Ten Question Quiz: Anna Scifres

 “Ten Question Quiz” is a new feature to The Daily Chomp. In each 10Q article, we interview a GHS student with general and personalized questions. This is a great way to get to know some of those strange faces at the Swamp that you may not get to meet otherwise!


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Anna Scifres




Q: How would you describe your personality?

A: Bookish, Smart, Funny, and Interesting.


Q: What is your pet peeve?

A: Leaving apps open on your phone.


Q: What makes you happy?

A: My friends, family, and pets. (two cats & a dog)


Q: What kind of books or movies do you enjoy?

A: Fantasy or Adventure. I enjoy thrilling reads in far away places. Magic, and sword duels are cool.


Q: What is your dream Career?

A:  Forensic Criminologist. Forensics and genetics is extremely interesting and enjoyable to me.


Q: What are your hobbies?

A: Drawing and Writing. I’ve always loved to draw and improve myself along the way. I also like to express myself with words.


Q: What is your biggest fear?

A: Clowns or spiders. They are terrifying!


Q: What superhero do you most identify with?

A: Captain America. Hes pretty cool and oblivious like me.


Q: What is your favorite time of the year and why?

A: Winter. I enjoy the cold and snow. I like the Christmas lights and getting to drink hot chocolate,


Q: What TV show character are you most like?

A: Velma from Scooby Doo. I like mysteries and I’m pretty smart. I have to put up with my friends obsession of dogs. (Lauren)