Many students develop relationships with others in high school. It is a normal thing. But a lot of people do not develop those relationships, yet have to watch the physical touch, the inappropriate verbal actions with no say in how they feel. It is uncomfortable to watch people kiss, hug, hold hands, or talk inappropriately to each other, especially in a school environment based for learning. Many students have voiced how it makes them uncomfortable and even gives them second hand embarrassment.
Grant Turner, a freshman who plays football, and who is usually in the locker room either for practice or before a game has witnessed people making out. He voices, “it made me very uncomfortable because others were in there.” Turner also said how it “spreads germs to kids who don’t even do that stuff, but just because I was around the two students, I could possibly get sick and so could others.

Caide Webb, also a freshman who plays football, said “When I see people holding hands and hugging all up on each other, it kinda gives me second hand embarrassment.” He believes that school is not the right place for PDA. Webb said how he thinks that the rules should be enforced more strictly. “I shouldn’t have to feel weird or uncomfortable in my own school.” Webb voiced. He also had spoken out about how PDA continues, it will keep students distracted rather than on task. Lily Padgett adds on how “PDA rules need to be so much more enforced because people need to understand that it is not appropriate for school. It will not help the school because it adds to distraction.” She added.
Isabella Rios, a freshman cheerleader, spoke on how she had once seen “ a guy tickling the side of a girl’s waist and caressing it.” as well as, “It makes me uncomfortable because I can’t say or do anything to make it stop and I kinda just have to sit there and watch.” She said,

Rios also points out that she has heard of people that got herpes from constantly kissing a variety of people. “ It makes others uncomfortable and spreads germs and transmits diseases.” Elin Mc’clard was with her

during the time and added that she has seen people “groping breasts and butt.” Mc’clard also pointed out that “it’s one thing to do it in private but another to be doing it inside school, a public environment meant for learning.”
Mason Gibson, another freshman who does soccer, clarified that a girl on the soccer team got “kicked off for having mono which she said was from kissing a bunch of guys.” Gibson feels as if people do it because they have an urge to feel worthy and get attention wherever and whenever they can.
Gracie Lyle, a senior who does cheer-leading, has a lot of experiences where she has witnessed PDA. She said how she had seen people

make-out under the stairs. “A really good friend of mine also got mono from kissing people.” Lyle also states “There is a time and place for that and school is NOT the time, nor the place.” She believes that PDA rules should make a more comfortable and professional environment but it is because people do not follow them.
To conclude, PDA rules need to be more enforced so we can have less problems and a decrease in sicknesses. People need to understand the consequences of violations of PDA and understand the dangers of spreading germs. Take these peoples stories and experiences to your advantage so you don’t make the same mistakes others have made.