This new year at Greenwood High School brings many challenges for all grades. Today we will be focusing on the junior newest challenge driving. This year like every other year the juniors have the challenge of driving. Some junior students have trouble or experience new emotions when driving. First, we have Michael Hepp a junior at Greenwood High School, and Chapter Tims a junior at Greenwood High School. For first-time drivers it can be scary both Hepp and Tims stated that they felt scared/nervous the first time they drove a vehicle. Hepp and Tims both stated that they are cautious when driving and were nervous when driving at first, from this information we can gather that first-time drivers can be very cautious when on the road. When asked if they feel more comfortable driving now than when they started both Hepp and Tims stated they felt more comfortable now but they still prefer to be a cautious driver.
They stated that they are more comfortable driving now. Tims stated that he feels ready to drive alone now, he stated this because he had had time to get comfortable driving. In comparison, Hepp stated that he needed more practice and time before being ready. Tims stated that driving has affected his life in a positive way by saying, “It is really freeing.” Hepp also stated that driving has affected his life in a positive way by stating that “It’s pretty fun” he also said that he is excited to be able to drive on his own when he feels ready. Both Tims and Hepp stated that they also have experience going through weather conditions; they both stated they had been through decently heavy rain. Hepp stated that he felt scared and frightened but pulled through the heavy rain, while Tims was relaxed and calm through the heavy rain. Tims and Hepp stated they had some final comments, Tims stated, “Driving is trusting other people to be as good as you hope to be,” while Hepp stated “ Never trust the other driver” and “ I hate people when driving.”
This year’s challenge will be a tough one but with persistence and hard work anyone can triumph against them, and for those yet to take this challenge do not be scared. Be proud that you may walk in the line so many have walked before, so they prepare themselves for the day that they will take this ordeal, just as people before them.