Jr. High All-State Auditions for Freshmen

August 28, 2018
The Kentucky American Choral Directors Association is hosting a Junior High honor choir this fall. Through November 2nd-3rd, KyACDA will have 3 honor choirs in Lexington, Kentucky: Childrens Choir, SSAA choir, and SATB choir.
Though it is Junior High, it is for grades 7th-9th, meaning Freshman can audition. Auditions will be held after school in the choir room on Tuesday, August 28th and Thursday, August 30th. Freshman will audition and be put into either the SSAA (usually only women) or SATB (men and women). Derrick Fox will be conducting the SSAA choir, while Bridget Sweet conducts the SATB.
To sign up for auditions, write your name in a time slot on either the Tuesday audition sheet or Thursday audition sheet located outside Ms. Osborne’s choir room (near the auditorium, by the bathrooms.) No forms are required to audition, just sign up on the sheet, and show up to auditions.
The *audition consists of singing:
- An excerpt from “Beati Omnes,” by Richard Ewer (choose Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass)
- My Country ‘Tis of Thee
- A scale based on your SATB voice part
*The audition is not performed in front of other students auditioning.