What’s Happening March 1st?


By Christine DiMeo, Editor-in-Chief

The state-wide ACT test for all juniors will take place in school on March 1st, and since these scores are one of the biggest standards that the state and county use to judge the quality of our school, it’s a big day for everyone. And since testing will take most of the day, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Medley, and the guidance department have organized activities for each class.

The Juniors will of course be taking the ACT, the seniors will be taking a trip to the local bowling alley, the freshmen will be taking a practice PLAN test, and the sophomores will participate in a career fair in the school building. For more details on each class’s schedule, see the sections below.

The only regular class periods that any of the classes will have are 5th and 6th period.




All freshmen will be taking a practice PLAN test.

Freshmen will report to their homeroom (not SWAMP) class first thing in the morning at 7:35. From there, each 9th grade homeroom teacher will escort their class to their PLAN testing location.

The intent of taking the PLAN is to gather more data on the individual academic level of the freshman class. Though there are no official implications of the test, it will be used to gauge which students may need intervention, who is ready for advanced classes, etc.

After taking the PLAN, freshmen will either have a study hall or can take part in activities determined by their homeroom teacher.

They will then go to 5th and 6th periods as normal once the juniors finish their ACT testing.




The sophomores will be participating in a “career fair” while the juniors take their ACT.

Upon arriving to school at the normal time, sophomores will report to their homeroom (not SWAMP) classes.

In classrooms throughout the first floor, fifteen professionals from around the community will be set up in stations at which they will talk to sophomore classes about their professions. There will members of a wide variety of careers, from lawyers to military personnel to educators, and each presenter will give an approximately 15-minute talk on aspects of their profession–their daily schedules, the education required to pursue that career, the advantages and disadvantages of the job, etc.

Sophomores will rotate with the rest of their homeroom class between about four pre-assigned stations.

Rotation will begin around 8:30 and should end at approximately 9:45.

After sophomores have completed their rotations, those who have not completed their ILPs will go to the library to finish them, while those who have completed their ILPs will return to their homeroom classes to have a study hall time.

Sophomores will eat lunch in the cafeteria from 10:40-11:15. Afterwards, all sophomores will have a study hall time in their homerooms from 11:15 until all juniors have completed their ACTs.

Sophomores will then go to 5th and 6th period as normal with the rest of the classes.



The Juniors will be taking the state-wide ACT on this day.

Like all the other classes, the juniors will report to their homeroom (not SWAMP) at 7:35 first thing in the morning. They will then be redirected to their testing room by their homeroom teachers.

The ACT test will begin at 8:00 and will last until 12:00. (For more information on what to bring, visit the ACT website.)

Afterwards, juniors will eat lunch as directed by their teachers, and then everyone will go to 5th and 6th periods as normal.




On March 1st, the entire senior class will be taking a trip to the local bowling alley.

The group will need to leave Greenwood by 8:30, so seniors have the option to come to school at the normal starting time (7:35) and having a free period in the gym, or coming late and checking in by 8:00 and heading to the gym.

In order to participate in the trip, seniors must pay $7.50 and will receive a small drink and two slices of pizza at the bowling alley, Southern Lanes.

The group will remain at Southern Lanes until 11:00, at which point they will head to the Greenwood Mall for lunch.

At around 12:00, the senior group will leave the mall, getting back around 1:00 for 5th and 6th periods.