Do We Spend too Much Time on Our Electronic Devices?

By Kaydyn Massey, Reporter

We are all guilty of spending too much time on our electronic devices and not our actual lives. We know it’s bad, but yet we keep doing it. I’ve literally seen people sit right next to each other and text each other. When you wake up, you are on your phone checking all of your social media. I mean really? What has our world come to? I bet you when the end of the world comes someone is gonna be taking a picture of it and post it on Instagram. #dying

The average person spends 90 minutes a day on their phone. That adds up to 23 days a year and 3.9 years of someone’s life. (Click here for more information.) Now, I know some of you spend more time on your phone than 90 minutes. Some of you might say that 3.9 years isn’t a lot of time, well that doesn’t count the time we spend watching TV. The average person watches five hours of TV a day, and people over 65 years old spend more than seven hours watching TV. (More info.)

Teens today spend 7 and half hours on some type of media device. During that we could actually do something productive, but we choose not to, because we are addicted. We have allowed ourselves to become addicted to something that could ruin our future. We could use that time on something productive like doing your homework, or studying for huge test. I know that is doesn’t sound as entertaining, but it is more proactive for your future.

Today we listen to music, browse the web, and play video games. That’s how most of us spend our day when we are not at school. I am guilty of this too; I mean who wouldn’t be. Today’s technology keeps improving which grabs our attention and reels us in. We don’t what to be seen with something old from the 90’s. We want to explore the internet and gain new knowledge. We want to be the kid in the hall way with the big, new thing that not many people have. We want attention to be on us. We don’t want to be the person who still has something that is “Totally last season.”

Many of times when my whole family gets together, my cousin is the one on her phone texting and her dad will be doing something random on his phone. This drives me insane. I like to have a nice conversation when I am eating dinner with my family, but there is always that one family member who ruins it. Has our addiction gotten so bad that we can’t have a normal conversation when eat dinner? Studies show that today’s generation is losing their ability to communicate in person with each other. This is pathetic.

Yes, we spend way too much time on our electronic devices. If we don’t start to manage our time on our electronics then eventually we will forget our priorities. If our problem gets any worse then I just might have a heart attack. We will all eventually just turn into those fat people in the floating chairs in Wall-E. (If you haven’t seen this movie you need to.)