Freezin’ for a reason
FROZEN4 Run Raising Money to Benefit Greenwood Student
January 12, 2016
On Saturday, January 16th, TRAX Running will host the 5th annual FROZEN4 at Ephram White Park. The FROZEN4 is a 4-mile run with a 2-mile walking option, and all the proceeds will go to aid GHS senior Blake Kirby.
This money comes from the participation fee of $30, and all participants who pay this fee will receive a free hoodie.
Participants can register for the run/walk before race day prior to January 14th and pick up their information packets on the 15th at the TRAX Running store on 1240 Fairview Avenue.
Alternatively, participants can register on race day at 8:00 a.m. at Ephram White Park and receive their packets at that time.

Ever since its first year in 2012, the FROZEN4 has benefited Warren County athletes in need. In 2012, over $4,000 was raised for Warren East High School runner Jesse Beam, who was fighting a severe case of MRSA and had to be hospitalized for over 100 days. In 2013, the run returned to support Zack Haley, a football player from Warren Central High School who was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma. The 2014 recipient was a Greenwood athlete, track runner Madison Duncan, who was combating Transverse Myelitis. And last year the race benefited Tammy Duncan and family from Edmonson County.
This year, Blake Kirby is the athlete recipient. Blake, a senior, was diagnosed with Ataxia, a neurodegenerative disorder that makes moving difficult and limits coordination. Because of his condition, he had to give up playing football, which was devastating to him. Receiving the FROZEN4 proceeds will help aid his family in paying for his medical care and will allow him to be at the center of something very exciting.
Online registration and more information about the event are available at