FFA Announcements

By Madison Duncan, Writer

  • The FFA is starting up their annual fruit sales for fundraising for different activities coming up for the club. Mr. Goins and Mr Tipton would like for everyone to sell at least $150. We are only selling 1 layer and ⅖.
  • All FFA T-shirts are now to be picked up from Mr. Tipton if you have paid your dues and filled out the registration paper at Club Rush.
  • The very last day to turn permission slips into Tipton to go on either the day trip or the overnight trip to convention is Monday, October 19.
  • People are needed for different judging contests that G-wood FFA are going to participate in, including: students for Animal Science students and horse judgers.
  • The FFA is going to participate in the Buddy Walk for Greenwood’s buddy. Tipton would like for all FFA members to show up and support the cause while wearing your 2015-2016 FFA shirt.