Top Rated Sport At GHS
September 15, 2021
Have you ever wondered what students may think the “best sport” to go watch here at Greenwood is? The students attend many of the sporting events that are hosted, which makes our school spirit immense. Students make a point to rally behind and support their classmates, friends and relatives. that may be playing. It’s not required to go watch the many different games, but a lot of people do it because they choose to.
All four of the grade levels had the opportunity to answer the many different questions given on a google form about some of the sports here at GHS. The ages range from about 14-18 for the students at Greenwood High School. The graphs represent the percentages of students’ answers, and shows the contrasts between what was chosen, and what was not. Taking the lead, a bigger variation of students that are sophomores answered the questions, which was about 31.3% The grade level that had the least amount of students that answered the questions, were Seniors, with a 17.9%. Though, the Freshman were pretty close with the Sophomores on responding to the questions given.
There was a bigger proportion of students who do not play a sport that answered the google form, rather than the ones who do. 61% of students picked that they did not play a sport, where the other 39% said that they do play one. This might have not been so shocking, due to the fact that COVID-19 is still around. Many of them may be scared of getting sick, so they choose not to play one. There is still a lot of quarantining that’s happening, which causes the students to miss school, and it makes this sports season tough on others. There’s just a lot of effects that take place during this tough time, which may lead to the fact that they don’t want to have to worry about other additional things.
For the students that said they do play a sport (or some), the top 3 sports that were chosen that people play at GHS, is #1. Soccer, #2. Basketball, #3. Football and Tennis tied.
By looking at the graph above, you can see that the top picked sport of those who filled out the survey was football with 42.6%. More than three fourths of the school goes and attends the football games at Greenwood. GHS is known for it’s huge student section, and there are a lot of events that go on there, such as dress up days, homecoming, etc.. There is also “Rafferty’s Bowl,” which many people go to, to have fun and watch. Football is most popular during the middle of September, and all of October, because that’s when fall starts to happen, and it slowly gets cold. For many people, this is the best type of weather to hang out outside. Coming up behind football, there is soccer with 16.2%. There are a lot of people that play soccer, as you can see, due to it being the most played sport at GHS. Soccer comes with a lot of footwork and being able to be consistent. 12% of students are interested in going to basketball games. Lots of people love watching basketball during the late fall and winter time. Though, this sport starts during the half of the school year.
25% of students said the main reason they go to the games is to hangout with friends. That is believable because there are all kinds of students that attend sporting events. There are some who sit and talk on the bleachers, some who walk and talk with friends around the track, and others who attend, so they can dress up to the theme with their friends. 18.4% of students said it was fun, because there’s so many things to do at the games, like going to the concession stands, talking to your friends outside of school, and cheering on others. Whereas, 17.6% of them picked that they go to watch someone they know play. At Greenwood High School, more than half of the students most likely have siblings, and know a pretty good amount of peers. Maybe even their other relatives, and friends, too.
It was very interesting to see the differing perspectives of all ages here at the Swamp. Most of them had their own opinions, and made sure to respond, even if they had a different idea of what was listed. It wasn’t very surprising that Football was the most popular sport here at Greenwood, because there are so many more students that attend those games, rather than the other sports.