Fast Food Chain Krystal Filing for Bankruptcy
February 12, 2020
The Fast food company Krystal, that had started in 1932 has recently filed for bankruptcy. There’s one located down Scottsville road in front of Southern Lanes Bowling Alley. They have gained a debt somewhere between $50-$100 million dollars.
The headquarters is located in Dunwoody, Georgia. A few reasons why they are going down this path, are not being able to pay low-wage workers, price of the supplying food, and consumers not being interested in greasy foods. Some people believe that Krystal should become a relic of the past, as few tweet out. Whilst others are saying they are going to miss it.
This customer below says he’ll miss it.

Near the end of 2019, 44 restaurants, they currently have 300 open had closed down signaling something was up, it certainly was. But Krystal had said that “we give team members the opportunity to relocate to the Krystal of their choice.” People that are constant customers are unhappy, as they have to go to a completely different area to get their beloved menu item.