Greenwood Orchestra Performs This Year’s Halloween Concert


By Josie Huffman, Reporter

On Tuesday Oct. 16 the Greenwood orchestra had their annual Halloween concert in the Greenwood auditorium. The concert was from 6:30 to 7:00. During the first song, a solo was played by a senior violinist, Ben Leach. The orchestra performed the following songs:

The Drakes Creek Middle School orchestra played as well. All of their music was based off of a dragon theme and had contrasting parts between the lower instruments and the higher instruments. This represented the contrast between a dragon and a hunter. The songs they played were:

  • Dragon Hunter
  • Battle of the Ancient Dragons
  • Dragon Slayer

Both of these orchestras played nice harmonies and had a well balanced sound. The audience was full and pleased with their performance. The Greenwood orchestra is excited to perform more concerts in the future.