Does Brett Kavanaugh Deserve a Spot on the Supreme Court?


By Sera Ryherd, Reporter

Imagine going to a party. You’re having the time of of your life. Then you walk around, and decide to go to the bathroom. You get grabbed by a guy who pulls you into a room, and puts you on the bed. Then you start to scream because you don’t know what’s going to happen; you start to hear that the music is getting louder, and he covers your mouth with his hand. He tries to take your clothes off.

Does Brett Kavanaugh really deserve a spot on the Supreme Court?

Christine Blasey Ford has came forward with her story about Kavanaugh assaulting her back in high school. Ford was only 15 years old when the assault happened; imagine going through something like that at such a young age and how much trauma she went through, when the past couldn’t leave her, it just stuck with her. It has haunted her for the most of her life. She can remember all of them laughing. “Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter, the laugh — the uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense,” is what Ford said to Leahy.

There have been protesters outside on the steps of the Supreme Court. The protesters have told their story of sexual assault, even on television too. More women have come out with stories of their assault due to the fact that Ford came out with hers. Women have been empowered to be brave. What Ford did was really strong; she is very strong to come forward about it. It is never too late to tell your story about your assault. Even if it takes years, it is never too late. You hear people asking, “Why did she come forward about this now, it’s been over 30 years ago?”

I feel like Ford’s accusations about Kavanaugh are correct. She isn’t lying about what happened at that party 30 years ago. After Ford came forward, more accusations about Kavanaugh came up about his behavior in high school and college. During the hearings the way that Ford was acting, she looked scared. She was acting like she was scared, everything about her was scared.

Julie Swetnick, one of the few women that came forward about Kavanaugh, claimed that she was ganged up by guys who spiked her drink and sexually assaulted her. It made it easier for the guys to gang up on the girl.  Kavanaugh responded saying that Swetnick’s claims were, “Ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone.”

Deborah Ramirez is another accuser of Kavanaugh. Ramirez has accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself at a party when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale. Ramirez remembered being with a small group, drinking. The game they were playing led to her being intoxicated. She was on the floor and slurring her words. Then Kavanaugh allegedly shoved his genitals in her face.

It all comes down to this: does Brett Kavanaugh really deserve a spot on the Supreme Court? Let’s see, Trump finally said that he doesn’t care if Ford’s allegations is true. “Because we won. It doesn’t matter. We won.” That’s what he said. Three women came forward saying that Kavanaugh assaulted them. I believe that Kavanaugh assaulted them. I believe that Brett Kavanaugh does not deserve to be on the Supreme Court.