Freshman Friendships: Sebastian Alfaya and Carson Miller

Sebastian Alfaya (left) and Carson Miller (right) meet in the library every morning before class to socialize with one another.

Sebastian Alfaya (left) and Carson Miller (right) meet in the library every morning before class to socialize with one another.

By Kayleigh Cook, Reporter

When wandering the hallways of Greenwood High School you can often discover friendships simply by looking around. Everyday you see the same two people walking together, sitting with one another, or eating lunch at the same table.

Sebastian Alfaya and Carson Miller are no exception.

The two freshman have been best friends since they met six years ago at Briarwood Elementary School.

“We got along well, Carson would always talk about video games,” Sebastian told me.

They both spend a majority of their free time playing video games with each other over Xbox. Enjoying the same genre of video games has prevented them from drifting apart outside of school.

“I’ve heard a lot of people say that we are carbon copies of each other.” Carson explained when asked if they are similar in more ways than one.

Carson and Sebastian have a similar sense of humor, often teasing each other about their differences. “We get along well because I’m tall and he’s short,” Carson jokingly told me. “No but seriously, I don’t know why we get along, we just do.”

Carson and Sebastian have spent the last three years in the same math class, learning more about each other every year. When asked basic questions regarding the others favorite color, dream job, and favorite game, Carson and Sebastian were able to successfully answer all of them.

“We argue a lot, usually over stupid stuff.” Sebastian said, “If he’s ever being annoying on Xbox I just block him. Later when I decide to unblock him, we’re both already over it. We don’t really ever settle disputes, we just leave it alone and eventually get over it.”

Although they have differences, with Sebastian participating in Greenwood soccer, they remain close through their mutual academic interests.

School helped blossom Carson and Sebastian’s friendship and it continues to help it grow today.