Greenwood Adjusts to New Dress Code

By Julia Freeman, Reporter

Now that Mr. Hatcher is the new principal, the school has made several changes to the dress code for the 2018-2019 school year.

This includes allowing holes in your jeans, shorts are now a “modest” length, and off-the-shoulder shirts are allowed. Last year, the dress code was quite a bit more strict. Students were not allowed to wear any shorts or skirts that were above fingertip length. They also weren’t allowed to wear off-the-shoulder shirts or cold-shoulder shirts.

Several students and teachers at Greenwood have an opinion about the new dress code. Ms. Jenkins said, “I love it! It should have been this way all the time.”

Reagan Jones says, “I like the dress code because we get more responsibility with what we wear.”

Ms. Jameson has looked at the dress code from a different perspective. She says, “I worry that some people will push it too far and ruin it for others. So far I have only seen positive results though, so hopefully it will last.”  

Our dress code is quite different than other Warren County high schools. For example, South Warren’s dress code includes wearing fingertip length shorts, skirts, and dresses, and they don’t allow racer-backs. When you look at the other high schools in Warren County, you will see that Greenwood students are quite lucky when it comes to dress code.