Updates at Greenwood High School

By Makayla Ramsey, Reporter

Over the summer Greenwood High School has organized many new updates that’ll positively affect the school and the people who are in it.

One of the updates that affect the teachers and other staff members more than the students, is the energy saving contract that the Warren County Public School (WCPS) signed with CMTA.

This will result in a savings of 839,000 or more per year. This project includes multiple geothermal HVAC renovations, new HVAC control systems, LED lighting, plumbing upgrades,  solar panels, and several other various mechanical and electrical upgrades. and to top off all the great updates at GHS the costs for WCPS district will drop by 23%.       

 We’d also like to give a huge welcome to our new principal at Greenwood, Adam Hatcher. After our former principal ,Greg Dunn retired on July 1st after being at Greenwood for a whole 18 years, he took the place as principal in 2011, Even before that he was just a teacher which began in 1993.

Principle Hatcher is 39 years old, he has two daughters and a wife, Pauletta, who stood by his as he took the position. Hatcher was also a assistant principal at Warren Central High School for five years. He also worked as a teacher and administrator for 8 years in Simpson County.

Along with the new principal we’ve also endured some new rules or policies. One of the major changes that a lot of us students have been waiting for is the dress code change, with this change you can now wear pants with holes above the knee, and shorts that are at a modest length.

Another change is the phone policy, Principal Hatcher said “‘we want to treat you like adults but you have to act like it” so along with some of the other schools in warren county you can now use your  phone classes, at lunch, at in class if you’re teacher allows it.

One of the minor changes is the cafeteria. over the summer we got all new tables, some are the normal circle ones but something that is a bigger change is that we now have tall tables spread out around the cafeteria.