Daylight Saving Time

By Leah Witcher, Reporter

As we approach the spring season, time will move forward an hour. This is known as Daylight Saving Time.

I know I, along with my fellow classmates, can have a hard time with this spring forward of time. When the time changes, it takes a while to get back to the same schedule as before. Especially the first night when you lose an hour sleep; this can make the next day hard. However, there are many positive impacts it can have on the earth.

Why do we have daylight savings?

The main purpose is to make better use of daylight. When we move forward an hour, it will cause it to be lighter in the evening.

Not only does it let there be a better use of sunlight, but it also supposedly saves energy. Studies done by the U.S. Department of Transportation in 1975 proved there was a small but significant decrease in the amount of energy used. Instead of using electricity for lighting, the light is already provided by nature, therefore, making a reason for a cut in energy.

What is the history?

It started in 1918 as a way to save coal in World War I. It is regulated by Department of Transportation.

Many states are trying to drop out of this tradition. So far there have been two: Hawaii and Arizona. Florida is trying to withdraw but it will have to be passed by Congress.

What do we need to know?

Daylight saving time in Kentucky will start at 2:00 A.M. on Sunday, March 11 and end at 2:00 A.M. on Sunday, November 4.

Make sure to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.

To make everything even more exciting, this will be the 100th year since its beginning.