GSA participates in Day of Silence

By Angelina Addams

On April 27, LGBT+ students across the country will be taking a vow of silence. This vow of silence is part of a day of action called Day of Silence.

Day of Silence allows LGBT+ students to raise awareness about bullying in the LGBT+ community. The vow of silence emphasizes that harassment and discrimination in schools is unacceptable, by allowing people to hear -or not hear -all of the voices that are silenced by this vow. Without these voices, we lack so many different opinions and people that deserve to be heard. It represents the silence that many LGBT+ students are forced into by being bullied by their peers.

Those who wish to participate will be required to tell their teachers before hand, and if their teachers still wish for them to participate during class, they will have to do so. Day of Silence is not an excuse for LGBT+ students to not participate in class, but rather a silent protest against the discrimination and harassment that many LGBT+ students in the world face in school.

Support Greenwood High Schools Gay-Straight Alliance by clicking the link. It will sign people up for Day of Silence under Greenwood’s Gay-Straight Alliance, taking part in spreading awareness and support.

Greenwood’s GSA will be participating, will you?