Club Rush


Club Rush is for people who would be interested in clubs and club rush will be your chance to sign up, there all sorts of clubs for everyone. The date this event will be on is September 4, 2015, it will be during lunch. There are very many clubs such as:

  • FFA: Is about leadership,gets you ready for career success and agriculture education,also a great help with getting you ready for public speaking.
  • Oar Club: is a club that shows and supports the Greenwood Gators, attends to games (football, basketball, baseball, softball, tennis)
  • STLP: Uses technology to help students learn and achieve.
  • FCCLA(Family,Career and Community Leaders of America): works with families with personal, work, and societal.
  • Photography Club:is going around taking pictures.
  • S.A.D.D: Students. Against. Drunk. Driving.
  • International Club:Is about learning about more cultures and welcoming people from different cultures into Greenwood High School.
  • Academic Club: It is a organization that helps people to get together to find people with similar interests and to learn and study more about it.
  • Art Club:this club you can show your skill and creativity in art.
  • Beta Club: it’s a academic achievement, leadership and character for people 4th-12th.
  • Color Guard: A uniformed group for school representatives that show or parade a flag.
  • Drama Club: is where you learn about acting, play production, and stage work.
  • FBLA( Future Business leaders of America): helps you succeed and pursue in secondary education.
  • FCA: Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • FEA(Future Educators Association): for students who are interested in educated related careers.
  • German Club: Students will learn more about the german language culture.
  • HOSA Club: Future Health Professionals
  • Marching Band: Instrumental musicians perform for entertainment and competition
  • National Honor Society: for recognize outstanding high school student
  • Pep Band: a band that plays at events to perform and pep up the crowd.
  • Photography Club: you take pictures of events for the school.
  • SCEC: Student council for exceptional children
  • Science Club: out of school hours for people who want to do extra since activities.
  • Spanish Club: a club that enhances the culture and language.
  • Student council: for only students if they want to become involved with the affairs of the school and working school partnership with school management.
  • TARS: teenage republican
  • Volunteers of America (Actions Team): To help America’s most vulnerable.
  • YADS: Youth Assembly of Democratic Students
  • YELP: Youth energy Leadership Program
  • Yearbook: You help put the yearbook together , and ready when it’s time to sale yearbooks.