Can you connect these nine dots with just 4 straight lines?
There are 4 men each wearing a either a black or a white hat. They are standing in rising water, cannot move and can only look forward. Between A and B is a brick wall which they cannot see through. They know that between them are 4 hats of which 2 are black and 2 are white, but they do not know which colour they are wearing. In order to stop the level of the water rising and drowning, one of them must call out correctly which colour hat he is wearing. They are not allowed to talk to each other and have 10 minutes to fathom it out. Which one of them calls out, and how does he work out which colour he is wearing?Can you identify which one is the real apple logo?Which way is the bus heading?Which figure should be placed in the empty triangle
Earlier in the school year, auditions were held for the Greenwood High School (GHS) Acapella group. With 26 people making it and Ms. Sells being the d...