Guthrie Visits Greenwood

Rep. Guthrie
April 8, 2016
On Monday, April 4, Kentucky Congressman Brett Guthrie, who represents the 2nd District which includes Warren County, came to talk to the AP Government classes about the political process in Washington. He also touched on certain topics students had been talking about in Mrs. Elmore’s class.
Guthrie started with talking about one of the main topics the class had been recently discussing, the difference between a standing and conference committee. He described the different types of committees: standing, conference, and select and explained a little about what they did as well as give examples of some the students might have heard about before.
Guthrie also named a few of the committees he was in, such as the Educational Workforce Standing Committee, the Telecommunications Committee and the Health Committee. He also discussed what happens as a congressman in Washington and what is currently happening with the Congress and Senate right now. He also spoke in more depth to how the government is run with the different branches. Guthrie also made sure he left enough time in the presentation to answer any questions any of the students had.
Guthrie also told the class how he got into politics. He said his first plan was to be a football player, but having an injury in high school ruined that for him. When he was younger he heard a lot about the Soviet Union (which is what we now call Russia) and how terrible they were, which led him to want to enlist in the army to fight against them. After that died down he became interested in business which led him to politics and eventually to being one of our congressmen.
Overall the AP Government classes seemed very interested with being able to connect what Guthrie said about Government with what they are currently learning about in class.