Week of 4/7/16
Sampson looks tough on the outside, but he’s a real sweetheart on the inside.
This 3-year-old Bulldog/Pit Bull mix is currently at the BGWC Humane Society looking for a new home, but surely he’ll find one soon. Though he’s very serious and stoic most of the time, making him look pretty intimidating, he’s actually very gentle. He is a big dog and is pretty much all bone and muscle, so he’s very strong, but he seems to know his strength and so he doesn’t pull on his leash very much or play to hard with people. Because this guy has been diagnosed recently with heartworms, he needs to move slowly, so he mostly likes to sit and people-watch. He also likes to be a guard dog, standing watch over his fellow dogs and people (though he sometimes falls asleep on duty).
Every once in a while, Sampson will flash people a big, happy smile that shows just how kind and lovable he is underneath all his toughness, or he’ll snuggle up with someone and reveal how much he just loves people. He is a real laid-back, friendly guy, so he gets along well with children and other dogs. Even when dogs bark at him or try to pick a fight, he just calmly ignores them. And though he doesn’t show it much, he loves meeting new people.

Sampson was originally staying at a high-kill shelter in Edmonson County, where there are so many Pit Bulls looking for homes that despite his wonderful personality he was facing a pretty big chance of being put down. Luckily for him, when shelter workers spotted his heartworm condition, he was relocated here to Bowling Green to have a higher chance of being adopted. Help Sampson to make the most of this second chance by adopting, fostering, or sponsoring him at his Petfinder page, or as always spreading the word about him.