Cast Soars in ‘Mary Poppins’

March 18, 2016
This past weekend, Greenwood performed Walt Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins. There were three shows: March 11, 12, and 13 at Van Meter auditorium on Western’s Campus. The play lasted for a total of three hours, with a 15-minute intermission. A list of the cast and crew can be seen on Greenwood’s website.
In my opinion, the musical was very well put together. The crew did a very good job in bringing the story of Mary Poppins to life. The set was beautifully designed and presented, and the special effects were amazing as well. The crowd went wild when Mary flew for the first time, and when Bert flew during the song “Step In Time.” The choreography, singing, and acting were very impressive too. Greenwood carried on the tradition of putting the beloved oar in the show, when Michael and Jane Banks’ toys came to life and our gator mascot came out holding the ever-so-famous Greenwood oar.
Mrs. Cassady and Ms. Osborne as well as the cast and crew had been working hard on the musical since December. With practices on snow days and rehearsals lasting until as late as 11 p.m. the week before the performance. Everyone’s hard work definitely paid off. I attended the first show and the entire cast received a standing ovation at the end of the musical. There seemed to be a very large number of people attending that show as well. It was obvious people enjoyed the show when they left singing songs from it. All of the actors did a great job portraying their characters, especially Laura King, who played Mary Poppins.
Many of the students, as well as me, were pleasantly surprised with how good the musical was. I know of a few people that actually attended the musical more than once. Overall, Greenwood’s production of Mary Poppins was outstanding, and just might have been the best musical our schools has put on yet.