CanDoo sits beneath the tree on Christmas.
Week of 2/1/16

CanDoo is a regular Bowling Green hero.
CanDoo, a senior Golden Retriever, is a therapy dog at Western Kentucky University. When he’s not patrolling the University classrooms, bringing comfort and love to the students and faculty, this big guy relaxes at home with his handler, Scott Fox. However, even on his off-time, he doesn’t stop looking out for others for a moment.
While on a walk on a near-freezing January day, CanDoo suddenly stopped by a stretch of chain-link fence, on the other side of which was a bush-covered area. Mr. Fox gave him the command to keep walking, but CanDoo refused to budge. When Mr. Fox looked through the fence to see what CanDoo was so fixated on, he saw a small white dog curled up on the ground and shivering.
After bringing CanDoo home as quickly as possible, Mr. Fox climbed the fence and saw that the dog was severely injured and freezing from the thirty-degree temperature. He called the Humane Society who took her in to be treated, and they realized that she had been hit by a car before crawling behind the fence. The next day, her grateful family came in to claim her and take her home to recover.

Because of her injuries and the prolonged exposure to the cold, the dog would likely have died had she spent much more time on her own. So thanks to CanDoo’s persistence and constant concern for the well-being of others, he managed to save a life on an ordinary winter walk.