Blue Man Group Creates “Ultimate Dance Party” at SKyPAC

By Andrew Carpenter, Reporter

On Monday, January 11, the Blue Man Group performed at SKyPAC. The show was full of lights, dances, and music. And according to the group, they created the “ultimate dance party.” In my opinion, the performance was amazing. It was good enough to keep people of all ages hooked in. It also got people involved. For example, they threw inflatable balls into the crowd and everyone hit them around in the air. Giant strands of streamers were flying around as high as the ceiling and loud dance music was playing while people (mostly the kids) danced around. 

blue man group

The way Blue Man Group interacts with the crowd makes it a lot of fun. Some people don’t like just sitting in a chair and staring at a stage; Blue Man Group would definitely appeal to you if you are one of those people. 

Most people think of the Blue Man Group as being just paint and drums, but that isn’t the case. They use many different objects to create unique sounds in ways no one else has ever done. It is all music but it’s different types of music. From dance to just simple beats on the drum. Even the crown creates a beat to go along with the music the guys are making on stage. But yes they did have paint and drums which was a phenomenal sight. They had holes in their chests which would pour paint onto the surface of the drum. After the drum was completely covered they would slam the drumsticks down, make a cool beat, and watch as paint flew as high as two feet. 

Below is a video if you would like the witness the spectacular performance yourself.