Week of 11/16/15
November 17, 2015
Tania is a big girl on the outside, but on the inside, she’s a big baby.
Tania is a Shar Pei mix at the BGWCHS. She is a staff favorite, and for good reason. Although she is a very big dog and is very strong, all she wants to do is be cuddled and played with. When I walked her this weekend, she immediately wanted to run around and sniff everything. As soon as I sat down on the ground with her, she crawled into my lap and wanted to be hugged. Even then, she was still playful and wanted to chew on sticks and leaves she found on the ground–that is, until she saw that my braided hair looked a lot like a rope toy.

However, Tania is not all energy. After about 15 minutes, she was content from playing and nearly fell asleep while sitting on my lap, all the while oblivious to the fact that she may be a bit too big to be a lap dog. So despite her size and strength, she actually seems to make a good house pet. All she needs is about a half hour of attention and exercise every day and then she is satisfied just to sit back and relax with her owners.