Greenwood Marching Band’s Past Season

November 9, 2015
This past Halloween when everyone was out Trick-or-Treating and going through haunted houses many marching bands- including Greenwood’s-competed for a state championship. Marching bands from all over the state came and competed at a Semi-Final competition on October 31st, to see who would go to state later that night at WKU. The semi-finals contest for AAAA (Greenwood’s Division) was held here at Greenwood High School. There were bands here such as South Warren, Ohio County, Hopkinsville, John Hardin, Madison North Hopkins and many more.
As many people may already know Greenwood’s show this year the show was called Infected, which follows the theme of zombies. The band had been practicing non-stop since band camp in July. With an average of 3 hour practices 3 days a week and football games on Fridays, as well as a competition nearly every Saturday. They had been prepared for this competition since the beginning of the season. It was a big accomplishment for the band to make it to Semi-Finals, because last year they didn’t even make it that far.
Along with competing the band- with the help of many other Greenwood students and
band parents- worked the competition to make it the best it could be. They ran things such as concessions, a hospitality house for the other marching band’s staff, and escorting the other bands around the competition. Many people said that it was one of the most organized Semi-Finals in a while, which is a huge compliment to Greenwood.
The Bowling Green Daily News featured Greenwood, as well as South Warren, in an article talking about the competition and how they “united in music”. the band director- Mr. Morrison- and students Chelsey Fjeld, Tiffany Miller and Taylor Scott- those are the drum majors- were interviewed.
The band’s director, Mr. Morrison, when asked about what he thinks of this past season responded with, “I am very proud of everyone in the band, they worked really hard. They made it farther and made the show better than I ever expected. I thought we were going to be just better than last year, but we weren’t. We were a lot more than just that.”
The band had many accomplishments this year such as winning 1st place in the AAAA division at their first contest of the season, winning best Color Guard overall their first contest, and best drumlin overall at three contests, plus many other great awards. Overall, the Greenwood Marching Band had a pretty great season with many accomplishments, and they hope to have a just as, if not more even more successful one next year.