Week of 10/26/15
October 28, 2015

Jedidiah is a 10+ year old Shiba Inu-Shepherd mix at the BGWCHS. Like many senior dogs, he was surrendered to the shelter because his family could no longer care for him. He is clearly depressed by this, and appears quite disconcerted by his new surroundings. Although he is friendly and enjoys going on walks with volunteers, he hides in the corner of his cage hesitantly when people walk by and retreats when other dogs come to compete for attention. He seems to much prefer individual attention and long, slow walks on the leash. He especially likes to follow the perimeter of the shelter grounds, sniffing everything on his way.
In addition to his shyness and laid-back attitude, Jed also has some arthritis in his hips, so he needs to take things slow and would probably be best in a home with an older person or a family without children. He is a sweet dog who doesn’t ask for much, but will give a lot of love to his new family.
If you’d like to learn more about Jedidiah, visit his Petfinder page or call the BGWC Humane Society at 270-783-9404.