5 Ways Technology has Improved Society

September 15, 2015
A favored opinion today is that technology has ruined this generation, However, I think the complete opposite. We might have become a society that is centered around all these smart phones, computers, and tablets but if we use them in the right ways, technology should not be regarded as a bad thing at all. Here are ways that technology has improved the way we live our lives today:
- Research
Ever since the 1990’s, when the internet was invented, we no longer need encyclopedias or dictionaries to look up information. Nowadays, we just need a couple of keywords and we can look up almost anything we want from a search engine. Its super simple and if you need to find something online for homework or a project, you can do it straight from your house instead of going to the library and spending unnecessary time looking for what you need.
- Medical Advancements
Because of the newer technology in hospitals and medical facilities, patients receive much better care. Dentists, Surgeons, and others in the medical field can make your treatment a whole lot easier and more effective. Also, operations that used to be extremely painful have now become less painful or even have no pain involved at all.
- Communication
Social media, texting, and long-distance phone calls has allowed us to contact with others from however far away we are from each other. It instantly sends through to the person you are trying to reach immediately which makes it better in case of emergency.
- Organization
Apps definitely help with organizing information that you need. Calendars and Notes can make sure you never miss an important date/appointment and let you know when you need to be somewhere along with all the details that go with it. There are tons of other apps on the app store that can allow you to manage your information for free and it can make your life a whole lot simpler.
- Time Management
Because time is one of the most valuable things in our lives, why not have more of it to do what you want? This is especially a great advancement for students because they can learn online if they are too busy to attend and keep up with everything in a college environment. However, technology can save anyone else’s time by allowing people to email/contact another person in seconds or buying goods online without having to search for the exact thing you want in a store.
ya ya • Jun 14, 2020 at 1:44 am
same bro
ye ye • Sep 27, 2018 at 10:55 am
me to bro
yoyoyoyoy • May 21, 2018 at 1:56 pm
im board