I interviewed some of the leaders from the new club at Greenwood. The Music Club has never been established and some of the students have been wanting one for years, so Sean O’keeffe, Mr. Smith and myself have decided to get to work on starting a club for all music enjoyers.
The Music Club has been described as a club for “People who either play instruments or just want to learn and discuss music with others.” The club leaders mentioned before are Jameson Porter and Sean O’keeffe.
Sean is a senior at Greenwood High School who plays the bass in orchestra. Aside from bass, he plays guitar, drums, and other instruments. He makes music which you can find online under the name “Octemburary and Caciokefe” which makes folk music.
Jameson is a sophomore at Greenwood who plays bass in orchestra and is a former alto saxophone player in the concert band. Outside of school he plays guitar (both electric and acoustic), drums, bass, piano, and more. Jameson is a member of his band “The Broken Strings”. They are a band made up of four sophomores, all from Greenwood, who play blues and rock music from people like; Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stevie Ray Vaughan, John Mayer, and Jimi Hendrix.
Mr. Smith is an English teacher at Greenwood who enjoys music and builds guitars along with playing guitar.
When asked what his goal with music club is, Sean said “I think the club is gonna be a great way for people to be able to meet each other and improve their musician skills, as well as just being able to talk and understand music better, and of course again, connect with each other over this shared passion”.