In history, t
here are so many amazing role models to look up to and aspire to be like throughout our everyday lives. Students at Greenwood High School have women in history that they look up to, and what the historical character did that has impacted their life and how they aspire to live.
Greenwood High School freshman student, Thomas McGill, said he admired Mother Teresa the most above any other women in history. McGill talks about how Mother Teresa was a Catholic Saint, and she was a very amazing woman but sadly passed away. McGill admires her because, “She was very nice, she did a lot of charity, and she was one of the greatest human beings to ever live.” He aspires to be like Mother Teresa by correcting his bad behaviors and being a good person in general. McGill talks about how she did many charities for different causes and benefits for communities around the world. He relates to Mother Teresa because he tries to do things for other people to be a nice person. He was informed about Mother Teresa at a very young age in school and now looks up to her as a bold woman in history, and looks to her for guidance in his everyday life.
Shanna Clerjuste, who is also a freshman at Greenwood High School, very happily admitted she looks up to Betty White as an inspiration in her life. Clerjuste took the time to research Betty White before her interview and explained what an amazing person she really was. She talks about how Betty White was an amazing actress and comedian, and also supported and was a part of many strong communities. Clerjuste states that Betty White was a strong supporter of the black community, the LGBTQ+ community, the animal community, and so much more. Reflecting on all her research, she explains that in one of Betty White’s older shows, she received a lot of backlash from the public for having a black performer, but that did not stop her whatsoever. When Clerjuste learned that even with all the hate from the public, Betty White still kept the black performer on her show, she was very impressed and impacted that Betty White did not listen to the hate from the public and kept the performer on her show. Clerjuste states, “I see, she is very confident. She was just a little old woman but she was still super confident and super funny, and she made everybody laugh.” She also says that she wishes she had the confidence and ambition level that Betty White had because she was so inspiring. Clerjuste recalls she hopes someday to be able to relate to her ambition and dedication because she was such an inspiration to the public, especially to young women.