Tasting Teas and their Benefits
“ There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.” -Henry James
Okinawa boba milk tea from Boba Lounge and Cafe.
October 26, 2021
What’s your favorite drink? There are lots of drinks around the world, some people may have never heard of some. Like have you heard of Calpis? But what about tea? And we’re not walking about boba tea. We are talking about raw dried tea leaves or petals used to steep in water. Tea has been around for a long time but did they have some type of medical use to it or benefits? Do we use these teas in the modern world today for benefits? Here are eight teas that I have researched and their benefits.
Green tea
This drink is like matcha with some of the same nutrients but different in taste and benefits. Green tea is a very hydrating tea and has healthy bioactive compounds. Healthline.com talks about one of those compounds that are polyphenols, which help reduce inflammation and help fight cancer. It has minerals and a catechin called Epigallocatechin-3- gallate that prevent cell damage and improve heart and brain function. Not only does it help you lose weight, but it also increases fat burning. In a1999 study, ten healthy men took green tea extract, and the number of calories burned went up by four percent. In another study, scientists took people with obesity and separated them into a group. The people who drank green tea had, “significant decreases in body fat percentage, body weight, waist circumference, and belly fat, compared with those in the control group,” wrote Kris Gunnars. Lastly, another benefit of this tea is that it can prevent diabetes type two. It has been shown that green tea can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.
Though this tea has a more earthy taste which makes some people dislike it, it does have benefits that are good for you. In www.healthline.com, Rachael Links and Atli Arnarson write and medically review these benefits that are found in matcha. Found in this tea is a plant compound called catechins which acts as an antioxidant. In one study Rachael Links and Atli Arnarson found that it reduced damage caused by radicals; compounds that damage your cells and can cause chronic disease. Next, it has other components that help assist with brain function. In One study the scientists did find that older people taking two grams daily for two months helped with their brain function. The second study had 23 people. They had some people eat four grams of matcha, either consuming it in a drink or having a bar, while the other half of people consumed placebo tea or bar. It showed that matcha improves their reaction time, attention, and memory. In addition, it has been proven to maybe help your liver. In a test they gave diabetic rats matcha for sixteen weeks and found it helped prevent damage to kidneys and the liver.
Just like every healthy thing you take, it can be damaging if you consume too much, though every person’s amount they can handle is different. It was shown that people can develop liver problems if they drink it every day. Furthermore, Rachael Links states, “Drinking matcha may also increase your exposure to contaminants like pesticides, chemicals, and even arsenic found in the soil where the tea plants are grown.”
Raspberry Leaf
This is usually the ladies tea and here’s why. This plant has a sweet taste to it and grows nutritious berries. It is native to Europe and Asia. Healthline.com talks about how a raspberry leaf has lots of nutrients and antioxidants in it. It provides vitamin C and B as well as zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, etc. Its medical use has been around for centuries. Another name this tea is called is the women’s herb. In research, it has been shown to help females with premenstrual symptoms, such as cramping, vomiting, and nausea. The tea contains fragarine which helps tone and tighten muscles in the pelvic area, which can help reduce menstrual cramping. Another benefit is it helps with pregnancy and labor. A study was done to see how much women used some type of herbal remedies in 600 women, 52% regularly use some type of herb and 63% was raspberry leaf. It is used to prevent sickness, nasua, and excessive bleeding after birth. Additionally, it sometimes helps shorten your labor. Amy Goodson writes, “A study of 108 women showed that those who drank red raspberry leaf tea in the last stage of pregnancy had a shorter first stage of labor.” This is not only for women though men can benefit from this tea as well from its nutrients. Side effects of this tea are mild, but when drinking, consider what dosage you can handle. Amy Goodson writes, “This herbal tea may have laxative properties and could cause loosening of stool in certain people. It may also have a mild diuretic effect and can increase urination.” Can affect you even if you show no signs of it.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has been used for a long while, but not everyone can consume it. If you have allergies, mainly towards pollen, then this tea might not be for you. Teatulia.com says that chamomile plants grow in Egypt, India, South America, Austria and South Africa. The flower buds are harvested and dried when the flowers are about to open. One of those benefits will be sleep and relaxation, though little studies have been shown about this claim. Zawn Villianes from MedicalNewsToday writes “In a study using rats, chamomile extract helped sleep-disturbed rodents fall asleep. Many researchers believe that chamomile tea may function like a benzodiazepine.” Though it does help with anti-anxiety the benefit is yet to be shown in a study to back it up. Furthermore, it is believed to treat mild skin conditions like eczema. A study made in 1987 found that if people applied chamomile directly to a wound, it would assist in the healing process. Chamomile can also prevent or slow down osteoporosis in the body. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that weakens the bones in your body leaving them weak. In 2004, a study found chamomile might have anti-estrogenic effects in it. Depending on your level of allergies chamomile can touch and be around pollen before harvesting making you react to it. Chamomile tea also has botulism spores that can make infants and young children sick due to not being old enough for their immune system to fight it.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint is a minty herb used for numerous things like freshening your breath, steeping in liquids, or medical uses. This herb is native to Europe and Asia. It traveled around the world with trade and expansion. Jenna Fletcher and Katherine Marengo from MedicalNewsToday wote about how to use peppermint in a way by putting it in boiling water and adding a few drops of essential oil, which can not only scent your house but also help you breathe better. Rubbing essential oil or menthol on your chest after a shower will open up your nostrils. A study showed “that vapors from essential oils, such as peppermint oil, have antibacterial properties that may help alleviate some types of upper respiratory infection.” To go along with that, peppermint tea relieves tension from headaches. Peppermint has a higher concentration of menthol which might ease tension or a migraine if rubbed in. Comparatively it does have antibacterial properties they may help you. A study made in 2018 showed that peppermint oil helps minimize the growth of bacteria like “ Escherichia coli, Listeria, and Salmonella ” Another study showed that peppermint had antifungal and antibacterial properties.Though peppermint tea is considered safe some people may worsen or trigger symptoms of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus tea leaves are red and turn a dark red when completely dried. When steeped in water the water will turn a reddish cranberry color. It tastes almost like cranberries or pomegranates when consumed in cold or hot water. At Webmd.com hibiscus sabdariffa flowers originated in Africa; they also grow in tropical areas around the world like: “Thailand, China, and Mexico.” It comes from the Malvaceae family and has many species. Rachel Link from healthline writes more about hibiscus tea. She talks about how the tea has antioxidants in it which aid to prevent damage and disease build up of radicals in the body. As well as that studies have been done as researchers have found through studies that hibiscus can help lower blood pressure. One study showed that those who drank the tea had a “significant decrease in systolic blood pressure, compared to the placebo” which in the end assists with the decrease in your blood pressure. Similarly it lowers blood fat levels in the body. Racheal states, “A study in those with metabolic syndrome showed that taking 100 mg of hibiscus extract daily was associated with decreased total cholesterol and increased “good” HDL cholesterol … However, other studies have produced conflicting results regarding hibiscus tea’s effects on blood cholesterol.” These tests were narrowed down to work more for people of specific situations like diabetes. So some benefits might not be for everybody but it is still good to drink.
Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm is a herb that is used for lots of different things like tea and cooking. It dates back toward the 14th century. Spiceography.com states it was believed to help with treating wounds in the 14 or 17 century “Lemon balm was used in Carmelite water”… “Carmelite water contained angelica root along with lemon peel and nutmeg. It was thought to lengthen life and relieve headaches. Versions of it have been sold in Germany in the modern era.” Lemon balm has a citrusy flavor with a hint of mint taste to it and can be refreshing to drink like mint. In this herb it does have a compound known as “rosmarinic acid that appears to have powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties,” Cathy Wong and Arno Kroner from verywellhealth.com writes and search about these benefits. Lemon balm is believed to help with cold sores. In a study lemon balm helps prevent “80% to 96%” strains from the drug resistant HSV-1 from infecting cells. Not only did it help with that but as well as block a “enzyme in the brain called cholinesterase”Alzhemier’s Disease. That helps increase a chemical in the brain called “acetylcholine”that is important for your memory. A study of Iran found that the placebo they were given didn’t work as well as the lemon balm extract that they were given for four months. It showed an improvement in dementia with people who had a small to abate bit of Alzheimer’s Disease in them. Along with that it has been shown to help with insomnia. When taken it “delivers a mild sedative effect while stimulating the production of the “feel-good” hormone serotonin.” Which is a hormone that helps keep your moods stable in your body. In a 2013 study called ‘Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice’ where 100 women on menopause had lemon balm combined with valerian which “improved sleep quality,”.
But just like all herbs this one does have side effects. It can cause some of but not limited to:
- Bloating
- Stomach pain
- Vomiting
- Indigestion
- Painful urination
- Headaches
Black Tea
It is believed that Black tea had come from China,“Up until the 17th century, the only teas that were consumed were green and oolong. It is believed that black tea was discovered when the Chinese started fermenting tea leaves in order to extend the storage life of tea. Fermentation produced an oxidized, darker version of the leaves, which became known as ‘black tea’ .” Though China created black tea it was the British who made it popular and more affordable after a time. Modern day world black tea is produced in Asia and Africa.
One thing you can do is boast your heart. Healthline.com states that “One randomized controlled study found that drinking black tea for 12 weeks significantly decreased triglyceride values by 36%, reduced blood sugar levels by 18% and lowered the LDL/HDL plasma ratio by 17%.” Another gain from consuming this tea is that it helps with your blood pressure. When consumed black tea gives a sweet taste without the addition of sugar in it, but found to increase use of insulin in your system. Finle, it may improve your stomach health. “Polyphenols” found in black tea encourage the growth of good bacteria in your stomach.
Drinking more than four to five cups a day can cause problems. Kelli Miller and Neha Pathak on webmd.com lists effects caused by consuming too much black tea.
This includes:
- Headache
- Anemia
- Nervousness and restlessness
- Anxiety
- Nausea and vomiting
- Irregular heartbeat
- Ringing in the ears
If you combine black tea with other caffeinated products mainly ephedra, it can cause problems like:
- Increased blood pressure
- Heart rate changes
- Passing out
- Seizures
While drinking black tea it can cause problems with medications you are already taking or stay in your bloodstream longer than usually.