How Will Holidays Be Different This Year; Compared To The Previous Years
December 9, 2020
As we all know, Christmas is right around the corner, but unfortunately due to covid-19, a lot of change will be done this year.
This year will be different because there cannot be a big group of people in one place because of covid-19. Even though there can be a family gathering.It is suggested that you shouldn’t really be in a gathering of a big family or friends. According to Dr. Alan Taege, an infectious disease specialist at the Cleveland Clinic. “Therefore, in-person holiday parties are not recommended, particularly when many people are currently working remotely.” If you do opt for in-person, he’d like you to do it outside, which is “safer than an indoor venue, but still carries risk” (
All this is because if a family member or a friend has corona, they could easily affect his/ her family members/friends and that will lead to more victims getting affected by corona.
Normally, on Christmas days or Christmas Eve, there are some family who would go to a restaurant and eat together as a family but because of Covid-19, that is a no-can-do situation at the moment. Some families open presents on Christmas Day and yes that is one of the things that can still be done, even if coronavirus is around. Just because there is a pandemic, it’s does not mean that you cannot have fun while you are celebrating the holiday/s. if you are wanting to have a kind of big family gathering, before you guys get into the gathering, make sure you get tested so that everyone is covid-19 free, so that the possibility of a family member or friend having covid-19 is less and it will be more stable, meaning that you guys can still have some fun rather than not having fun at all. According to Ms. Drake suggested having guests take a PCR (nasal swab) test once a week leading up to the event and a rapid test the day of. “However, this still isn’t a green light to let one’s guard down, as the test is only as accurate as the day it was given,” she said, noting that you can get infected the next day and subsequently test positive. “We recommend clients refer to their health care providers for the most up-to-date information and protocols,” she said. (
There are a few ways you could celebrate the holiday, virtually. One of them is having a group of people joining a zoom meeting. This idea of celebrating the holiday is actually pretty close to celebrating holiday in person because you get to see what the other people are doing, you get to hear your voices, you get to see each other and I think that as long as you cherish those moments, there is no way that you cannot just have not fun. I’m not saying that spending your holiday virtually with your loved ones through a zoom call will be the same but I’m saying that there is really much you could do at this moment and this way, everyone will stay safe and there’s always more years to come to celebrate the holidays and I think we could spare one year of not spending holidays with our loved ones. Quoting from an article that I read, “People aren’t sick of Zoom, they’re sick of logging into Zoom for boring content,” said Russell Pinto Jr., 36, the founder of Little Red Bean Productions in New York City” ( I’m
Joining a zoom meet includes knowing how to work a technology and I understand that not everyone knows how to work a technology because some of us are used to the old fashioned where you don’t use technology this way, to get in touch with your loved ones, instead, some of us see each other in person or call each other through rotary dial. But I think that it is always great to learn new things, and if you get to know how to work technology this way, it would be pretty helpful for the future as well. So pretty much, this is an advance and something new that you have learned.
After all, having some fun is better than not having fun at all isn’t it? Overall, stay safe and have fun but be careful.