Do We Take Advantage of Valentine’s Day?
February 14, 2020
It’s not uncommon for people to feel mixed about what February 14 is recognized for. Valentine’s Day concerns sharing or thanking the love for typically someone in particular. Though many, including myself, think against the occasion due to the logic of it.
Say you’re one of those couples fretting for a gift to give on Valentine’s Day. Why must you feel obligated to purchase a gift to reassure the love you have for someone? Perhaps you want to do something eventful instead, but there’s a missed point. Not on a regular basis, but wouldn’t you be willing to make a typical day special rather than this one in particular due to what it stands for? Why must we showcase all our love in a single day when we could (and should) daily? These are questions I beg to ask every year for February.
Valentine’s Day is undeniably comparable to Christmas. To put it in perspective, it has more to do with gifts a majority of the time than lovey significance. This results in people sometimes resorting to cards as a quick and expedient gift.
However, I’m opinionated about this as well, holiday cards are no stranger to lost originality. Come on now, if you choose a card with a generic message there’s just as much meaning behind it without the attached message itself. I encourage people to write personable messages, spending money on costly cards wastes the willing potential had to create one or at least replace a reused text.
The day is taken advantage of, and that’s not regarding only those in relationships. It’s difficult to make the claim that Valentine’s Day fully focuses on aspects of love when people seem to expect more gifts than recognition. There is a greedy truth behind Valentine’s Day.