Coronavirus Outbreak
January 24, 2020
As you have probably heard of the current situation throughout China. It originated from a market in Wuhan, the ground zero of the new Coronavirus. Officials have said it had been transmitted from a bat then to a snake. Then a 61 year old man had caught it from the snake, died later from heart failure in the hospital. There has been at least 80 deaths recorded so far, and many more that are infected with it. Wearing a N95 Respirator is recommended to prevent from catching it, as the CDC advised. As word broke out tons of people have bought masks in preparation causing multiple pharmacies throughout China to be sold out.
Already, Wuhan has shut down their major transportation to prevent anyone from getting out from the quarantine zone. A Chinese traveler from France, had tweeted she had bypassed the disease scanning by taking antipyretics to suppress her coughing and fever. News quickly broke out and reported her as the first case in France. The head official of WHO had already flew down to China to observe the situation.
The new Coronavirus has surpassed the cases of SARS (5,327 cases), but the CDC and WHO are rushing to design a cure to stop the spread. The common cold is known as the most contagious, affecting people 2-3 times a year. But the Coronavirus hasn’t come close to it at all. Already a 1/3 of Asia is affected by the disease, as well as some in Europe and The US. Doctors in the US are using a robot to treat the first patient and lower the chance of them getting infected. Footage shows people infected with the deadly disease, coughing on elevator buttons, and coughing, and spitting on doctors purposely. It doesn’t help already that the air is polluted

How quickly it will spread is unknown but the world is, or starting to take action to aid those who are affected by the disease. Those who are working against those who are trying to help doesn’t make the situation better, in fact it may or may not cause the doctors want to help those who actually want to receive aid. There is acts of human kindness going on, as one footage that couldn’t be acquired showed a local Chinese man running in a police station dropping off masks to support the police, but he quickly took off and 2 officers ran out and tried to thank the man but had to end up saluting the man as he ran away. Hopefully the CDC, and the WHO are able to somehow speed up the researching process of the disease and prevent further infection.