Have you Caught onto Google’s Easter Eggs?

November 14, 2018
I was talking with my friends and I asked them to give me an idea on what story to write. They totally changed the subject and showed me the secret things Google has, and for some reason I was intrigued. Google always has something entertaining to look at while you’re on their website.
Search “askew” and it makes everything on the website a little slanted.
Search “recursion” and it repeats the word on the “did you mean: recursion” no matter how many times you click on it, it’ll keep popping up.
Search “do a barrel roll” and it makes your screen spin.
Search “zerg rush” and a game pops up and you have to get rid of the circles on the game.
Search “conway’s game of life” and the game (which isn’t really a game) shows up on your screen.
Search “wubba lubba dub dub” and “did you mean: i am in great pain please help me” shows up.
Search “flip a coin” and Google flips a coin for you.
Search “i’m feeling curious” and Google will tell you random facts.
Search “roll a die” and Google rolls a dice for you.
Search “spinner” and a fidget spinner shows up spinning, and you can change it to a circle with number on it if you want.
Search “blink html” and the word “html” on the screen flickers off and on.
Search “is Google down?” and the answer “no” shows up.
Search “Google in 1998” and Google’s past format of how they arranged the things on their search engine is different or how it looked in 1998 supposedly.
These are a few that actually work, Google has taken out a lot of them.