Kanye and Trump are BFFs?

October 12, 2018
Kanye West arrived at The White House yesterday, proudly wearing his Make America Great Again hat, to discuss prison reform and gun violence.
West spoke about mental health, hydrogen-powered airplanes, and “an alternate universe.” He said when he wears the MAGA hat, it made him feel like Superman. That feeling is exactly why he was there.
He didn’t come to talk about issues but to audition for Trump’s orbit. Kanye West’s music mostly consists of him talking about himself and how he is on the way to righteousness. But he was speaking that way only for Trump on Thursday. Two narcissists smiling at one another like two lovebirds.
Kanye always had no filter. In 2005, he said “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” This is still a very popular power moment in pop culture history. In 2009, he interrupted an MTV telecast to say the prize shouldn’t have gone to Taylor Swift but should have gone to Beyonce.
He was shining light on the racism that permeates every corner. With that being said, Kanye used to stand for something better than himself. In 2013, that started to change. He started being completely unscripted, but he seemed to be on some kind of script with Trump.
He talked about how the 13th amendment should be abolished. That the black community only supports the Democratic party because of the dependency on welfare. He blamed gun violence on “illegal guns” and said he stood for the second amendment.
I don’t think he realizes how his new politics contrast with his old lyrics. It felt like he just wanted to be Trump’s best friend. The president said “He can speak for me anytime he wants.” Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.