Seniors Prepare for End of the Year Activities

May 11, 2018
On June 1, the senior class of 2018 will graduate from high school. This is what they’ve been waiting for since freshman year when they entered Greenwood High. Leading up to graduation, though, are many events for the seniors to participate in.
On Wednesday, May 16, there will be the senior awards ceremony starting at 8:30 a.m. If a senior is receiving an award, they will get a notice at school and one will be mailed to their house. Monday, May 21, is field day and powder puff where junior and senior girls will play football against one another.
On May 23, the following Wednesday, is when seniors will go on their Senior Walk. The Senior Walk is a new tradition that started last year. Seniors will go to all the Greenwood feeder schools and walk through the schools in their caps and gowns. Seniors from each school will gather in front of the building for a picture.
Senior locker clean out day will be Tuesday, May 29, during SWAMP. Seniors should make sure to know where and what your locker combination is. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 29 and 30, will also be when senior finals are taking place. Second- and fourth-block finals on Tuesday, and first- and third-block finals on Wednesday. Grades for seniors will be posted on Wednesday also, so get assignments in seniors.
There will be graduation practice on that same Wednesday from 9:00-10:24 a.m. and 1:05-2:35 p.m. and again Thursday, May 31, at 8:00 a.m. Seniors will be released whenever graduation practice ends on Thursday as long as they turned in the signed permission form. Detention will be handed out if they are late. The administration also requests that seniors park in the back parking lot and enter through the gym doors.
Graduation is Friday, June 1 at 6:30 p.m. at Diddle Arena. Seniors are required to be there at 5:30 p.m. to make sure everything is in order. The administration is asking that there are no parents or photographers besides Grahams on the floor taking pictures, but pictures from the stands are welcome. Seniors can also order the pictures taken by Grahams.
Jeans, shorts, tennis shoes, and flip-flops are not acceptable for anyone to wear during graduation. Guys are encouraged to wear a nice short sleeve button up and khaki or dress pants. Girls must wear a dress or shirt and skirt that does not exceed the bottom of the graduation gown. Both must wear nice dress shoes, and girls should make sure they can walk in any heels worn. Graduation gowns must be worn with the cap, stole, tassel, and any Honor, Beta, or NHS cord or sash. Gowns should be steamed before graduation and there is no cap decorating allowed. The administration will be checking attire beneath gowns and seniors can be pulled from the ceremony if they do not comply with the rules.
Diplomas will be available for pick up in July because apparently, seniors do not receive them when they walk the line. Good luck to all the seniors graduating and have fun as you go off to college and to experience the world!