Two Reported Deaths in Kentucky

February 26, 2018
This weekend, Kentucky weather surprised everyone again. Two Kentuckians passed away on Saturday, February 24 due to the weather.
Much of Kentucky was put under a tornado warning, along with tornado watches and severe thunderstorm warnings. In Warren County, the cowbells sounded as people took shelter from a possible tornado threat in the area. Warren County was lucky, and only a few areas suffered minimal damage. However, neighboring counties, Logan and Simpson County, suffered casualties, and devastating damage.
In Logan County, an elderly woman was making her way to the basement, when the roof of her house caved in on top of her. In Simpson County, a man drowned in his car after being caught in high flood waters in Drakes Creek. Their names have not been released.
Warren County, however, did experience possible rotations, power outages, and many fallen branches. The first day of Spring has not come, yet Kentucky is already experiencing very stormy weather.