4 Steps to Becoming a Ninja Warrior

By Halle Rudloff and Sierra Earnhart

American Ninja Warrior has taken this generation by storm. From the Salmon Ladder to the Double Salmon Ladder many people around the world spend countless hours training for the nearly impossible course. 


The All Inclusive Guide to Survive American Ninja Warrior


Step 1: Get a workout routine that “works out” for you


No need to have to go on Nutrifit Men to achieve the unheard of feat of completing the final course of American Ninja Warrior. A hot new workout trend by the name of parkour has revolutionized the way we get from point A to point B. Before mastering the salmon ladder and double salmon ladder, you must first master parkour. By practicing simple moves such as jumping up and down, you can achieve the ninja-like status of these warriors.

Step 2: Eat like a ninja


No we aren’t talking about sushi here. Nor are we talking about eating your fruits and veggies. I’m talking about pure monster energy drink. You know, the kind you pick up from your local minit mart at 3 in the morning. The key to being a true ninja is being hyped up like one. If you go on the energy drink cleanse you can lose up to 10 pounds a week. Yeah, your poop may turn to acid but it’s a small price to pay when you’re rocking your new biceps.



Step 3: Find your voice


Stop listening to the voices in your head and start listening to a certified ninja warrior. It’s liberating to think that you can achieve your dreams all alone but imagine the rate of your success with the help of someone who actually knows what they’re doing. Friendly and safe websites such as Craigslist.org are the perfect place to search for a mentor who is willing to teach and work with you at your own pace. You may have to run up the warped wall alone, but you’ll always have your warrior by your side for the journey.


Step 4: Build the Course


What? You think you can go to Workout Anytime 24/7 and get ripped like Isaac Caldiero, winner and veteran of American Ninja Warrior? Absolutely not. It’s time to summon your inner architect and get in that shed. Whip out your drill and get to work. With enough practice on your very own at home ninja warrior course, you will be ready for competition.