Studying Tips and Tricks
April 14, 2017
As the end of school is nearing, students are beginning to focus more on their studies in a final attempt to raise their grades. In order to help out, here are some good studying tips.
- Get a head start: You can never start studying too early. It is actually a known fact that studying a classes content a little bit every night is more beneficial than cramming everything in the night before the test.
- Join a study group: This will help you learn the material from many points of view. Everyone
learns differently, so if you are not learning the content one way, the people in this group may be able to help you find an alternative way that works for you. Another advantage of a study group is that you are able to teach other people. Most people find that when they teach someone else the content, they themselves learn it better as well.
- Reorganize your notes: This will help you understand how you got a certain answer as well as
explaining to yourself how you got it. It is important to make sure you that you explain how you got something or why something happened to yourself in your notes. This will make it a lot easier when reviewing.
- Take frequent breaks: A lot of times you will find that if you don’t understand something, all you need to do is walk away for a few minutes. When you come back you can sometimes be able to better understand the content.
- Quiz yourself: By doing this, it will force you to put yourself in a more test-like situation and think of the answers on your own like you will have to do when the time to take the test comes. Also, think of possible exam question and study those to better prepare yourself.
- Cut out all distraction: I know that most people these days have a common distraction, their phones. When studying leave your electronic devices or any other possible distractions in a different room where you can’t reach or get distracted by them. You will be surprised how much you can focus and how much work you will be able to get done if you’re not checking your phone every five minutes.
- Stay motivated: When studying, students tend to get lazy and tired, bored of reading pages of notes and taking numerous quizzes and, even when they take a break, they don’t want to come back to continue their studying. Despite this you must stay motivated when studying. A few times I have even caught myself taking one, quick glance at my notes and thinking that I know all of the content but, the next day on the test I get to a certain problem that I can’t figure out. This is when I realize that I probably should have stayed motivated and looked over that section of my notes.
- Draw out diagrams and flowcharts: For some people, they are visual learners. By drawing out certain processes or equations, it may help you understand what is going on and what the steps to get the end result are.
- Make sure to get plenty of sleep: Staying up all night will do nothing but negatively affect how you do on your exam. When you sleep, that is when your brain fully comprehends the information you have learned when studying. So, sleep is an essential part of your study habits.
- Use mnemonic devices: Create special, unique tricks such as acronyms to get the material to stand out in your mind. Utilizing techniques that make use of unique characteristics can make it far easier for students to remember important, key points for their exam.
Everyone learns in their own way, you just have to find out which way is best for you.