Pet of the Year!

Week of 12/21/15

December 29, 2015

Well, the last Pet of the Week of 2015 has arrived. Throughout this month, I’ve asked you, the readers of The Daily Chomp, to submit your favorite pictures of your pets to us through Twitter (@ghsdailychomp), Instagram (@thedailychomp), or email ( So, with only a little further ado, here they are (*drumroll please*) . . . The 2015 Pets of the Year!

pet of the year

First up is a picture from GHS’s own Student Resource Officer, Pete Rich, showing his kitty Hemi making a silly face.

Officer Rich Cat Hemi
Hemi (Picture from Pete Rich)

Another of Officer Rich’s kittens, Petitie, is caught red-pawed after tearing up a roll of toilet paper.

Officer Rich Cat Petetie
Petitie (Picture courtesy of Pete Rich)

My own dog, Artie, needs a rest after a busy holiday season.

Artie. (Picture by David DiMeo)
(Picture by David DiMeo)


Jojo (Picture from DiDi Turley)
Bobo (Picture by DiDi Turley)

DiDi Turley shared two of her pets:

On the left, Jojo, enjoying a nice day in the sun.

On the right, Bobo, an adorable French Bulldog, goes for a ride with the family.

Sammy  (Courtesy of Kera Regan-Byrne)
(Courtesy of Kera Regan-Byrne)
Jack (Courtesy of Kera Regan-Byrne)
(Courtesy of Kera Regan-Byrne)

And last but certainly not least, we have a couple of tired kitties.

On the left, Kera Regan-Byrne snapped a candid shot of her cat, Sammy, taking a quick nap . . . wherever he feels like it.

Finally, on the right, Adan Deeb’s little friend, Jack, is looking very erudite in his new glasses.

Thanks to everyone who submitted their pet pictures! Happy Holidays to all Daily Chomp readers, and a great new year to all! See you in 2016!!

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