Week of 3/7/16
Marson is a senior guy who’s had a rough time.
This lovable guy was found by Humane Society personnel after having wandered the streets for some time. As a result, his fur was terribly matted, he was emaciated, and he was very terrified. The workers at the shelter did their best to fix him up, but it seems that only time will fully heal him.
Marson was extra scared when he first arrived at the Humane Society because he has very bad vision and hearing, so everything was very confusing for him. At first, he would only hide in the back corner of his cage and shiver whenever someone walked by. But over the past few weeks, shelter workers and volunteers spent lots of time and energy comforting him and making him feeling more at home, so over time he has opened up. Although he’s still a little on the shy side, if a person approaches him with treats or to take him on a walk, he will waddle up to them and sit down. Despite his gruff looks, however, he is a real sweetheart and a great friend.
Thankfully, Marson’s story has a very happy ending. He has been adopted by a wonderful family and is on his way home this week. Now he never has to worry about being abandoned again, and can continue to heal in his new home. Good luck, Marson!