
By Lauren Scott, Reporter

What does Pro-life really mean? By definition, Pro-life is defined as a new human life being entitled to the same legal protections as any other. In recent debates, abortion has been the topic of discussion. Should abortion be legal? According to popular opinion, 67% of people believe abortion is murder and the other 33% believe that it should be your choice. 

Though abortion should be a personal choice, many believe that God is against it. They believe  this because of God’s Ten Commandments. “Thou shalt not murder,” is number five. In the book of Jeremiah, God said that life begins at conception, not birth. If you have an abortion, you are taking away an innocent life. You are preventing it from living the life it could’ve had. The unborn baby, even though it is just a cell, has a unique genetic code just like everyone else. This genetic code, making the baby human, is not changed when it is born. A living human being begins to exist at the moment of conception.  

Many will argue when an unborn baby becomes a person, but if life begins at conception that means the fetus is a human being. The baby’s development in the womb shows obvious signs of human life. At 22 days, the baby’s heart begins to circulate blood. The heartbeat can be detected on an ultrasound.  At 5-6 weeks, the baby’s limbs begins to grow. Lips, mouth, and fingernails are also beginning to develop while brain waves are detectable.

In the United States, an abortion is legal up until 24 weeks. A pregnancy is considered full-term from week 37 up to week 42, but babies born at 24 weeks have survived. At 24 weeks, the baby’s brain is rapidly developing. Tastebuds have fully developed, while footprints and fingerprints are continuing to form. While killing a well-developed human being is a good reason to make abortions illegal, it is not the only one.

A person is a person no matter how small

— Dr. Seuss

There are many reasons to be against abortion, some of them even dealing with the safety and health of the mother. Since 1973, 347 women have died from receiving the procedure. For most women, there is a 65% higher chance of becoming clinically depressed. This has even lead to increased suicide rates after abortion. The health risks of abortions can include problems that affect later, wanted pregnancies. You can risk having preterm births and handicapped newborns. 

While a women may have control over her body if abortions stay legal, she has another person to make decisions for. When she is having an abortion she is taking away the opportunity for another person to grow and live. I believe abortions should be illegal, because, as even Dr. Seuss knows, “a person is a person no matter how small.”